Daily Devotion

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - He keeps his Promises

God is a promise-keeping God, He also didn’t forget to give us a guarantee for all the promises He made. All the promises God has made, are “Yes” in Christ.

Read More 14-05-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want. In the scripture, the Psalmist wants the Lord with all his heart and soul: His glory, His mind, and will.

Read More 13-05-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - He is my Stronghold

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. A stronghold is free from attacks, it is a place of security and refuge from the enemies.

Read More 08-05-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - Don't forget what God has done for you

Don't ever forget what God has done to you in your life. Remembering what Jesus did for you also gives you a new power greater than willpower. 

Read More 04-05-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - The Goodness of God

God told Moses that He can only make the goodness of Him pass before Moses. Moses was put in the cleft of a rock and God passed in front of him. The goodness that passed before Moses was the mercy. 

Read More 02-05-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - God of Faithfulness

We serve a God of Faithfulness at all times. The human beings may be unfaithful at times, but God keeps up his promise and supplies all our needs because he is a faithful God. 

Read More 01-05-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - God of Mercy

Jesus is a God of Mercy. If there was one person in the Old Testament who truly understood the mercy of God, it was King David. He appealed to God’s mercy and forgiveness time and again. 

Read More 26-04-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - Jesus will Preserve You

Jesus is the only one who preserves you and keeps you safe. The psalmist confesses that God is his hiding place in his troubled times and he is the one who preserved him.

Read More 12-04-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - God knows your pain

My friend God knows your pain. Do you often feel that nobody could possibly understand you, or what you are going through? But God knows your pain

Read More 06-04-2017

Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - God of Peace

Jesus is a God of peace and he said, Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, So you must also believe that you have inherited the peace of God in you.

Read More 02-04-2017