Grace Ministry Mangalore has been a hand of hope to help the people of the slum to overcome their basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter. Our aim is to get the slum people out of their habitat and help in their upliftment.
We target the slum areas and do our bit for helping THEM for their upliftment. We have provided the hungry slum dwellers provisional items, also distribute books and toys to the needy kids. We also conduct various camps, with the aim of the upliftment of all the children. Any sort of basic amenity that a normal person would require is hoped to be given to every person under our reach.
Slums are characterized by the Substandard housing, squalor, and lacking in tenure security. The rising phenomenon of slum tourism has western tourist paying to take guided tours of slums. This tourism niche is operating in almost all major slums around the world. It is very sad to know that one person’s pain has become other person’s source of entertainment. Instead of helping these people to come out of this pathetic condition people have made it business. We fail to realize that they too are human beings and have equal rights to live like we do. Grace ministry upholds this principle.
Our aim is to get them out of their habitat and help in their upliftment. It is sad that we don’t realize that we are gifted with so many luxuries in our lives that many only can dream of. We always grumble and accuse God telling, he never gave us anything. but I strongly request that such people should join hands with Grace Ministry and visit these areas with them. Am sure you will realize how lucky you are and how even more lucky you can get by helping these people.
Simplicity is the key. Sacrificing our little joy to bring an epic change into the lives of other people seems unreal, but it is true. We are always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy at any point in time. He healed many, so do we intend to do. We also have provided medical care and attention to all who were in the need of it, under our reach. With the mercy of the lord, we intend to continue it with a hope that one day this world will be free of suffering, pain, and anxiety and only joy will be seen all over.
Our mission is to encourage, inspire and bring about practical change through community development, awareness and humanitarian efforts using carefully planned activities to promote communal unity, build the nation, uplift the poor and restore the dignity of the downtrodden and oppressed.
Our future plans for the slums are:
• Alleviate poverty
• Adult literacy
• To improve water and sanitation
• Relief in times of disaster
• Health awareness and provide basic medical care
• Dignity to the oppressed
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