News And Events

Happy 61st birthday, dear Bro Andrew Richard, Grace Ministry, 2024

Bro Andrew Richard of Grace Ministry turns 61 on July 16, 2024, Tuesday, with a myriad of wishes from family members, other Christian leaders, and devotees.

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Thousands gather at Grace Ministry 2024 two-day prayer meeting in Mumbai - Day 2

On January 13 and 14, 2024, thousands gathered for Grace Ministry's two-day prayer meeting at Sion on the Mumbai grounds. The two-day prayer assembly drew attendees from around Mumbai. This is a detailed report of the Day 2 prayer meeting conducted in Koliwada, Dharavi.

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Thousands gather at Grace Ministry 2024 two-day prayer meeting in Mumbai - Day 1

On January 13 and 14, 2024, thousands gathered for Grace Ministry's two-day prayer meeting at Sion on the Mumbai grounds. The two-day prayer assembly drew attendees from around Mumbai. This is a detailed report of the Day 1 prayer meeting conducted in Koliwada, Dharavi.

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Bro Andrew Richard celebrates his 60th Birthday at Grace Ministry in Bangalore, amidst large devotees 

Bro Andrew Richard celebrates his 60th Birthday with grandneur amidst a large number of devotees here on Sunday, 16th, 2023, at Grace Ministry Prayer Centre Budigere in Bangalore with a myriad of wishes.

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February Promise Message 2023 by Grace Ministry

February Promise Message 2022 by Grace Ministry Bro Andrew Richard is from the book of Psalms 37:3 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

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Mega Prayer Centre of Grace Ministry Inaugurated in Budigere, Bangalore with Grandeur - 2023

Bro Andrew Richard, Family along with the well-wishers of Grace Ministry inaugurated the Mega Prayer Centre / Church of Grace Ministry at Budigere in Bangalore, Karnataka with grandeur on Sunday, Jan 15th, 2023.

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Grace Ministry Celebrates Christmas 2022 at Prayer Centre in Valachil, Mangalore

Grace Ministry Celebrates Christmas 2022 with grandeur at Prayer Centre in Valachil, Mangalore on Dec 16, Friday 2020. People from different parts of Karnataka joined the Christmas prayer service in thanking Lord Jesus Christ.

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November Month Promise word 2022 by Grace Ministry Bro Andrew Richard

November Promise Message 2022 by Grace Ministry Bro Andrew Richard is from the book of Psalm 85:12, The LORD will indeed give what is good.

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Large gathering join in celebrating the Birthday 2022 of Bro Andrew Richard in Bangalore with Majesty

Large gathering join in celebrating the Birthday 2022 of Bro Andrew Richard with grandnuer at Prayer Centre, Budigere in Bangalore on July 17th along with large devotees and members of Grace Ministry.

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Bro Andrew Richard celebrates his Birthday 2022 with grandeur in Mangalore

Bro Andrew Richard marks his 60th Birthday 2022 with grandeur at Prayer Centre, Valahcil in Mangalore on July 15th Friday along with large devotees and members of Grace Ministry.

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