Dominick Joseph Gorton was born on April 9th, 2017. He is a rainbow baby, born after 7 miscarriages. Dominick was born severely premature by emergency C-section. He weighed only 1 lb 2 oz. He was given only a 25% chance of survival right at the start. Despite those odds, he was born as healthy as you could expect him to be. He made it through the first 72 hours with very little problem. Unfortunately shortly after he had a perforated bowel, and had to be transferred to a children's hospital for emergency surgery.
Dominick continues to fight, along with the support of a fantastic medical team, and more prayer than we could even imagine.
Dominick continues to show that God continues to perform miracles and show himself in the most amazing ways.
As his parents are finding it difficult to raise that kind of money, they have requested for monetary help from kind-hearted individuals and philanthropists. Dominick's family are trying their best to raise the funds but the amount is huge and the expenses are high. Time is very crucial and your timely help can help the young boy.
As Dominick's family fight for him along his side, medical expenses continue to rise. His father has had to cut back on work to be there in other ways for his family. Any support and prayers would mean so much.
How Can You Help Dominick:
Just follow the link to send your donations to Domonic -
*Funds collected through this campaign will be transferred to the family to expedite the process and continue the treatment.