Saint of the Day Online - St. John Baptist de Rossi

Saint of the Day for Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017


St. John Baptist de Rossi, also known as Giovanni Battista de' Rossi, was born on February 22, 1698, in Voltaggio, Italy. He was the fourth child of Charles de Rossi and Frances Anfossi.





Saint Name: St. John Baptist de Rossi
Place: Voltaggio, Italy.
Birth: February 22, 1698
Death: May 23, 1764


St. John Baptist de Rossi, also known as Giovanni Battista de' Rossi, was born on February 22, 1698, in Voltaggio, Italy. He was the fourth child of Charles de Rossi and Frances Anfossi, known to be a holy and faith-filled couple.

Though John's family was not financially wealthy, they were rich in faith. Through their guidance and a wonderful education, John learned to excel in his living faith, piety, and gentleness.

A pair of priests, Scipio Gaetano and Giuseppe Repetto, saw great potential in John and took his early education and faith formation as a part of their apostolate, taking him under their spiritual care.

When he was 10-years-old, John met with a wealthy, noble couple from Genoa after Mass. They, too, noted his gifts and potential. So, they took him in as a page, after receiving his father's approval. John was taken to Genoa to attend school until 1711.

In 1710, John's father suddenly passed away. His mother pleaded for him to return home, but John was convinced that the Lord wanted him to finish his education in Genoa.

In 1711, John was called to Rome by his cousin, the canon of St. Mary in Cosmedin, Lorenzo de Rossi. Lorenzo suggested John complete his studies there at the Collegium Romanum under the guidance of the Jesuits.

John continued to thrive in his studies. His natural talents, spiritual gifts, Christian virtue and willingness to apply himself to his studies made him the model student.

He studied philosophy and theology under the Dominicans at the Dominican College of Saint Thomas.

John Baptist de Rossi passed to the Lord whom he loved with such true devotion on May 23, 1764, in his bedroom in Trinita de Pellegrini.

His body was buried in that church under a marble slab at the altar of the Blessed Virgin. His remains were relocated in 1965 to a new church named in his honor.