Grace Ministry Mangalore organizes charitable event "Jyothi"

Concerned to help the poor - Jyothi 2016


"Jyothi" a charitable event was organized by Bro Andrew Richard & Sis Hanna on Friday, 28th October 2016 at his official place in Mangalore.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give!!

No one has ever become poor by giving. Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice & protection of a fundamental human right.

The event was concerned with providing cash prize & basic necessities such as groceries to the downtrodden, widows & the needy. Around 50 such individuals were benefitted by this event.

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Grace Ministry Mangalore a Charitable organization organizes a charitable event

Followed by which Bro Andrew also preached the Word of God to all who were gathered through which many received healing & deliverance.

Bro Andrew & Sis Hanna have always envisioned the benefits of giving & found their ultimate satisfaction from helping those in need, as they always believed that "Generosity is giving more than you can & pride is taking less than you need!!"

When God blesses you don't raise your standard of living but raise your standard of giving.

Remember, if you can't feed hundreds, feed just at least one!!

Bro Andrew is a person who always believed in "Giving opens the way for receiving". Because giving is not just about making a  donation but making a difference!!

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord & he will repay him for his deed - Proverbs 19:17"

You too can join us in helping the alleged and the poor - DONATE