Bro Andrew Richard Article - Ways to overcome Hatred and Haters

Overcome Hatred


How to overcome Hatred? What is the way to overcome Hatred?  A hater can be defined as a slang term used to describe someone who is negative and greatly dislikes a person or something.

When we hold on to anger, hurt or resentment, we only hurt ourselves. By withholding love from another, we deny it to ourselves. If you keep someone in prison with your thoughts, you have to sit at their jail door to keep them from escaping, and thus become a prisoner yourself.

To free another is to free yourself. When you give the gift of release, your spirit is healed.

We find ourselves being hated by many; however, becoming more informed of what determines a hater and how to best handle hateful situations can lead to an improved lifestyle. According to, a hater can be defined as a slang term used to describe someone who is negative and greatly dislikes a person or something.

Persons who have experienced hatred from others may ask themselves, “Why me? What have I done? Why are they so concerned? Isn’t it my life? Aren’t there more important things to do?” Truth is, they would rather spend their time and energy being consumed with you. For these individuals, having frequent conversations about someone’s life, stalking Facebook pages, posting hateful, unnecessary status and comments becomes their job, their momentary sense of purpose and achievement in life.

So when your hater can’t figure out why they lack the things they lack, they turn into angry individuals who would do anything to see you unhappy. They want to pull you down to their level of unhappiness. They want you to be disturbed and not have peace. If they can’t enjoy their life, they make sure you can’t enjoy yours too. It’s their way of coping with their frustration of their own life.


Bro Andrew Richard