Bro Andrew Richard Devotion - God of Justice and Mercy

God of Justice and Mercy



He is a God of justice and mercy. He is kind and compassionate; He will not abandon you without help. At times when you can’t hear His voice or feel His presence, trust in His love for you.

“For he will not lay upon man more than right; that he should enter into judgment with God.” Job 34:23

Going through pain and suffering is never easy. Left to us, we’d ask God to keep afflictions far away from us, so we can enjoy a cushy life. But a calm and easy life does not help us grow and mature in Christ. Whether we like it or not, the fact remains that trials deepen our faith and keep us holding on to God.

It is in our most trying times that we become honest with God and wrestle with Him. Suffering is a test of our faith, but it also solidifies our relationship with our loving Father who never leaves us nor forsakes us. No matter how difficult your current season, you can count on one thing – God is just. He will not place upon you a burden that is not right for you.

If God is causing you to walk through a dark valley without a lamp to guide your way, it’s because He Himself is your shepherd. He is a God of justice and mercy. He is kind and compassionate; He will not abandon you without help. At times when you can’t hear His voice or feel His presence, trust in His love for you. Go back to the Bible and bring to mind His promises. His Word will help you navigate your trials and lead you to victory.

Bro Andrew Richard