Bro Andrew Richard Daily Devotion: The Lord Will Reward Us !

The Lord Will Reward Us: Grace Ministry


Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 1 Corinthians 3:8 (NKJV)

Begin your day right with Bro Andrews life-changing online daily devotional "The Lord Will Reward Us" read and Explore God's potential in you.

Have we gotten discouraged in doing the work of the Lord? Have we grown weary of being steadfast in His service?

Sometimes our service in the kingdom of God may seem insignificant to us and others, but in the Lord’s perspective, the deeds we do for Him matter and it carries an eternal reward. The Lord rewards us perfectly because He looks at the heart and our perseverance. Our lives as children of God must be lived as a living sacrifice and reasonable service to Him.

Let’s not become tired of doing good, because if we do, then we might lose the blessing that the Lord has reserved for us. We must be consistent in serving the Lord through our good deeds. The Lord has given each of us the ability we call talents to serve Him while we live on earth. Let’s not give up or be discouraged, but let our satisfaction and joy be in knowing that we are called to serve the Lord by our deeds. The Lord will not forget our labor of love.

It is important to remind ourselves that as a child of God, our lifestyle and attitude are observed by others, so let’s do good with a cheerful heart. As a result, lives will be touched and transformed. Our encouragement is our Lord Himself, because He will not forget His promise – He certainly will reward us.

Bro Andrew Richard